The Crew Video Game Download

FreeThe crew video game download pc

VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD RX 470 (4GB / 8GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or better) SYSTEM RAM: 8GB.Please note that, in addition of being below minimum configuration, some processors may be incompatible with the game or some specific features as stated below: Processors without SSE 4.X Instruction Set (deployed in 2006).

A Minecraft Server

WesterosCraft is faithfully recreating the world of Game of Thrones

over 1.5 billion blocks placed over 7.5 square miles

as seen in

Ready to explore Westeros?

Get our launcher and start your journey


Westeros is home to over 500 cities, castles, and landmarks. Our goal is to construct them all. With over 300 completed so far, our community is well on our way to having a fully explorable map. You can keep up with our progress in game anytime, or start exploring our expansive Wiki.
  • Winterfell
  • King's Landing
  • Lannisport
  • Highgarden
  • Pyke
  • View progress
  • View wiki

Always Evolving
As Minecraft updates and evolves, so too does our server! From simple cobblestone shacks in 2011, to ornate cities in 2020, we have come a long way from our humble beginnings.

Crafting Connections
We're a truly global community, united by a common goal of creating one of the most detailed Minecraft worlds ever built. Whether you're logging on for a quick visit, or you're a long-standing builder, every visitor is a key part of our community.

The Crew Video Game Download

Get started with WesterosCraft

Ready to start exploring? All you need is a copy ofMinecraft Java Edition